Tips and Tricks for using Mentone On-Line Registration
Initially the on-lIne registration form displays a price range at the top. That will change to firm pricing as you choose options.
As you add items to your CART you will see them show up in the upper right of your screen. If you don’t see them, hover the mouse pointer over the CART to reveal them.
How to make changes to the cart prior to checkout - If you make a mistake after adding someone to the CART, remove their registration from the CART and re-enter it.
How to make changes to the cart at checkout - If on the CHECKOUT screen you realize you have not entered something correctly, correct it by using the browser back button or back arrow to return to the on-line registration form where you will find your CART intact and can make changes (see how to make changes prior to checkout above). Avoid using the “Continue Shopping” link.
If you do use the “Continue Shopping” link on the checkout page it will take you back to the Footmad home page. From there you can navigate to the On-Line Registration form where you should find your CART intact and can proceed with making your changes and finalizing your registration.